EFC - SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 - Paris, FR

#Éligible à la formation continue
#Communications du CEFRACOR
du 28 août 2024 au 30 août 2024
Description :


  • Corrosion mitigation needs in Green Energy Technologies
  • Principles and stability issues in PhotoVoltaics
  • Principles and stability issues in Thermal Solar
  • Principles and corrosion problems in Wind energy
  • Corrosion cases on Electronic devices and Batteries
  • Advanced Analytical approaches
  • Visits and practical works

Download the FLYER here (updated 22/07/24)

Download the Preliminary PROGRAM here (updated 21/08/24)


  • Registration deadline : EXTENDED to 30 April 2024 
  • Deadline for payment (money received) : 15th May 2024
  • Postdocs employed by govermental organisations are considered as students and pay similar fees, 180€  including VAT (150 € VAT excluded).
  • Priority will be given for PhD students and postdocs. PhD students pay reduced fees independently of their employment conditions (industry or University) but the student card or certificate for PhD students or postdoc certificate from the supervisor is necessary. 
  • A maximum 10 places can be taken by the persons employed by industry who are not PhD students. The price is 540€ including VAT (450€ VAT excluded).
  • Master 2 level students could be accepted depending of their syllabus and available places. ALL MASTER STUDENTS who would like to register, please send a message to : polina.volovitch@chimieparistech.psl.eu  They will be informed individually in the first week of April if they are accepted.
  • The registration fee includes lunch and coffee breaks, as well as the social event
  • The Summer School will take place at :

L’Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF)

18, Boulevard Thomas Gobert

91120 Palaiseau

There is an Appart Hotel – Adagio Palaiseau Saclay which is a 3 min walk from the IPVF

We will also verify for other possibilities for student housing once the list of participants is known.

Contact for EFC Summer School :  polina.volovitch@chimieparistech.psl.eu

Contact for invoice/registration : communication@cefracor.org

To register on the menu below:

1) Choose Type of registration (Student or Continued-Education) - the correct fee will apply

2) If you are not member of CEFRACOR, please create a "Guest Account"

3) Choose either Credit Card Payment (immediate) or Bank Transfer (later). Please note that Payment on-site is NOT AVAILABLE for this event.

4) For any questions please contact : communication@cefracor.org

Grille tarifaire : TTC (EUROS)

Student 180
Continuing Education - Industry 540

Type d'inscription

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