This Commission constitutes an ideal place for discussions for specialists on the field of cathodic protection and corresponding coatings, where customers and providers meet regularly.
This Commission meets three times per year: two meetings in Paris, one in mid-June, the other in December, and a delocalized meeting in the French South-West branch, organized by its local members, in a city of this area. The plenary meetings organized in Paris have about 20-25 participants; and the one organized in Southwest France has about 100 participants, and suppliers are also invited to present their products and services.
These meetings are an ideal place for privileged discussions on all matters linked with cathodic protection and coatings; land environment, marine environment, or in concrete, even internal cavities (such as tanks). The subjects discussed are very diverse:
The minutes of these meetings are available online, in the Members-only section space of this Commission website.
The next plenary meeting will take place on December 13, 2020 at 9am at the Société Chimique de France, in Paris.
Besides these meetings, the Commission’s objectives are to draft “PCRA Recommendations” depending on specific needs, in the extension of French, European or International standards, and professional guidelines. These technical recommendations are the product of the work done by the different working groups, based on the needs of its members. Currently:
The minutes from these working groups are available online on the members-only area of the Commission website.
Traditionally, the PCRA Commission regularly organizes a Conference; les Journées Protection Cathodique (Cathodic Protection Days).
For more information please contact:
A large number of documents on cathodic protection are at your disposal. Click-on the image below.