EUROCORR 2024 in Paris attracted a record number of 1,244 participants from over 50 countries, who descended on the French capital to take part in Europe’s leading event on corrosion. Hosted by CEFRACOR from 1 to 5 September 2024, along with Chimie ParisTech, SFV, and DECHEMA, EUROCORR 2024 covered all areas of corrosion and corrosion protection, including new hot topics such as materials for green and renewable energies, challenges of hydrogen energy systems, and materials issues related to zero net emission. EUROCORR once again proved key to creating links between academia and industry, bridging the gap between science and technology, going from fundamental research on corrosion mechanisms to knowledge transfer for applications to innovative technologies. This year’s theme was: A step forward in societal awareness of material degradation issues.
The programme included four plenary lectures, one Young EFC plenary lecture, 13 keynote lectures, as well as 688 oral and 164 poster presentations in all the areas covered by the EFC Working Parties and Task Forces, with additional topical workshops. A new addition this year was the opportunity to present a short (five minute) lecture and 43 participants were able to present their work in this new format. The exhibition, which included a total of 50 booths, was also a big success, where exhibitors were able to showcase the latest developments in corrosion research, corrosion resistant materials, corrosion monitoring, coatings, inhibitors, and cathodic protection.
Last, but not least, the range of social events included the traditional Welcome Reception, the Exhibition Opening Cocktail, and the addition of a new Career Fair that was organised by the Young EFC. To finish off the Social Programme, the Congress Dinner was held at the magnificent Maison de la Chimie (House of Chemistry), which is also home to the EFC Paris Office. Philippe Marcus (left), Chair of EUROCORR 2024, and the organising team, would like to take the opportunity to thank all participants who contributed to making EUROCORR 2024 in Paris such a successful event