CEFRACOR, CEntre FRançais de l’AntiCORrosion (The French Corrosion Society) is a non-profit scientific society. First created in 1960, CEFRACOR merged in 1989 with AIAC (Association of Anti-Corrosion Engineers).
The members of CEFRACOR are people involved or concerned by corrosion and anticorrosion. As of today, the CEFRACOR has 150 legal person members and a total of 750 individual members, of which 2/3rds are industrials.
CEFRACOR is under the responsibility of a board of directors. Its administration is maintained by an office comprising the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, the President of the Scientific and Technical Committee, and the Honorary Presidents. The different activities of CEFRACOR are divided between the poles supervised by their directors.
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CEFRACOR - 28 rue Saint Dominique - 75007 Paris
Phone +33 (0) - Fax +33 (0)
Email : info@cefracor.org
The center is located at the Maison de la Chimie - Bus, metro, RER C : Invalides station - Navette A